Since 2004, the P&G Children’s Safe Drinking Water Program and the P&G Purifier of Water technology have received international recognition for the effort to bring clean drinking water to children and families around the world.
Awards for Technological Innovation
American Chemical Society - Howard Fawcett Award:
For its outstanding contributions to the science, technology, education, and communication of chemical health and safety
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office Patents for Humanity Award:
For providing 5 billion liters of clean water with the innovative P&G water purification packets strategy and partnerships
Economist Social Innovation Awards:
For an innovation “beyond inspiration” – the P&G packet technology and the CSDW Program distribution
The World Technology Awards:
Popular Mechanics Breakthrough Innovator Award:
Celebrating Innovation in Science and Technology
Laureate of the 2007 Tech Museum Awards – The Tech Museum of Innovation:
For applying technology to benefit humanity and spark global change in the field of clean drinking water
Grainger Challenge Bronze Award - National Academy of Engineering and The Grainger Foundation:
For the humanitarian efforts that led to the design and development of the P&G water purification packet
National Inventor of the Year - Intellectual Property Owners Education Foundation:
For the humanitarian efforts that led to the design and development of the P&G water purification packet
Global Program Awards
Stockholm Industry Water Award - Stockholm International Water Institute:
For the development of the P&G water purification packet
GBC Health - Business Action on Health Awards:
For one of the world’s best corporate social investment programs to address diarrheal illness
Action Against Hunger Humanitarian Award:
In recognition of its extraordinary efforts on behalf of distressed communities around the world
Ron Brown Award for Corporate Leadership (co-recipient):
For providing clean drinking water in developing countries, with emphasis on employee and community relations
Global Leadership Award - United Nations Association of the USA:
For providing clean water for millions around the world (and for Protecting Futures, a program by Tampax & Always)
American Express Members Project:
For being voted the most actionable and impactful project idea by American Express card members
International Health Communication Gold Medallion Award (co-recipient) - Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health:
For building market-based relationships that sustain and deliver clean drinking water
Strategic Vision Award - Center for Strategic and International Studies, Global Strategy Institute:
For formulating creative and innovative approaches to one of the most strategically important issues of our time — clean drinking water
World Business Award - International Chamber of Commerce, United Nations Development Program and the Prince of Wales International Business Leaders Forum:
For support of the UN Millennium Development Goals, and, in particular, work toward the target of reducing by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to clean drinking water by 2015
Global CSR Summit 2015 - Silver award:
For Product Excellence Category
Wind Enterprises Making a Difference Award:
For commitment to global health initiatives in developing countries, to diversity, and to making a unique and significant difference in the lives of women worldwide
Internationalist of the year - Internationalist Magazine:
For helping avert diarrheal illness and save lives
Regional Program Awards
US Doctors for Africa Global Citizen Award:
For corporate philanthropy
Award for Corporate Excellence - U.S. Department of State:
For efforts to improve lives in Nigeria and Pakistan
Children's Environmental Health Excellence Award - U.S. Environmental Protection Agency:
For outstanding leadership in protecting children from environmental health risk
2016 by Mix Marcomm Magazine – Indonesia:
For Best Philanthropic Program 2016
APAC Excellence Award 2016:
For Top 3 Best Corporate Responsibility Programs in APAC
Conciencia Award 2016 – Honorable Mention:
For CSDW community impact programs in Argentina